Are You Waiting for “One Day”?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the importance of flexibility.

Perhaps you have, too.

2020 was full of new challenges and new problems, which required new solutions and ways of thinking. In this pandemic age, it’s important to cultivate flexibility in what you offer, how you offer, and how you show up.

The truth is, we don’t know when or if things will ever go back to “normal.” It is very likely that they won’t. We need to start living flexibly in this new reality.

Think of the fable of the oak and the reed — one bends with the wind and survives, while the oak tree falls.

As an entrepreneur or business owner, the way of the reed is the route to success.

I see many store owners who are hesitant about moving online or speakers who are resisting moving to delivering speeches online. They tell themselves that they’ll do it “one day.”

And this “one day”-ism isn’t exclusive to the pandemic — it’s always been a way to avoid the things you want but are afraid to have. “I can’t launch because it’s not perfect” or “I can’t go after that client, because I’m just not ready yet.”

Instead of putting things off until “one day”, start considering one thing you can do today to get you closer to your goals.


Letting Go To Create Massive Impac‪t with Laura Beauparlant


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